From the Archive

33 short movies in total without sound,
6 are shown below:

A commission for the main reception area of UCLH NHS London. Made from images taken from the archive of the Middlesex, UCH, St Peters, The Elizabeth Garrett Anderson, The Eastman and the National Institute for Neurology hospitals, the hospitals that have now been amalgamated into the new UCLH, to show the history of the institusions. Each image used has been reinterpreted using animation, to change and bring each image to life in a short film. These films, begin and end on black and have been programmed to play in a random manner.

installation image of From The Archive in the main reception area University College Hopsital NHS, London

Stone Voices

Stone Voices installation image, The Devils Glen

Stone Voices is a collection of 21 texts cut into stone from real and imagined stories and events that have taken place in the Devils Glen, Ashford, Co. Wicklow. The textual inspiration for the collection was sourced mainly onsite from people who use the glen on a regular basis. Advertisments were placed in local papers, and post boxes were placed in and around the area to gather personal accounts of events from the glen. A weekend of story telling events were arranged after an interview on Radio RTE.

other info and images here at wicklow County Council

Written in the present tense the stories are intended to be always happening. They are like ghosts, living and relating to their own time however, also accompanying you as you walk through and around the glen. The texts are deliberately ambiguous to suggest several interpretations.

The stones have been placed as near as possible to the sites they relate to, emphasising the experience of the stories origin. Like the stories behind them, the locations of the stones is such that some are easily happened upon whilst others are more challenging to find. This retains the element of surprise that is integral to the experience of the work.

The stories that inspired the stones are a mix of personal and observational tales as well as that of darker events that have taken place in and around the Glen over its history. In the coming years it is hoped that the work will become increasingly part of the Glen’s seasonal cycle as the surrounding plants and foliage grow to conceal the stones during the spring and summer, temporarily reclaiming the stories that inspired them, only to be revealed again as winter approaches.

Installation Devils Glen

Installation Devils Glen

posters requesting stories

installation image, November 2011 (courtesy of Sarah Ross)

The Wicklow Times, June 2007

About Running

About Running 2007 9 mins with sound

Commissioned by Bupa Great North Run Culture as their moving image commission 2007. About Running is a 9-minute animation showing individuals within the crowd of the world’s largest half marathon. Participants were interviewed the day before running the 2006 race. The images were hand drawn from footage taken from the race that year. It took almost a year to construct and involves thousands of individual drawings. Each person running has a story to tell and this animation focuses on some of them.
About Running has been exhibited at the Baltic Gallery, Gateshead, Glastonbury Festival and the Prince Charles Cinema London.

Novelty Runner, still from About Running animation